Economics Camp
Economics Camp
June 15th - June 19th
Economics summer camp for kids in 6th-8th grade looking to learn the principles of macroeconomics and microeconomics at an AP level. Students will use online activities to learn about the stock market and other aspects of the economy.

Camp Details

Our economics summer camp is ideal for kids in 5th to 8th grade looking to build their economics skills on an AP level. In our camp kids will learn the basics of supply and demand along with the basic graphs for all the main topics of economics. In this course, they will learn and overview of both Micro and Macroeconomics and be able to identify both at a high level. Our instructors have taken college-level courses for both and are high achieving in the field.

Cupertino Virtual Institute hosts video call based summer camps to keep kids safe during the Covid-19 crisis. We hope to give kids a chance to learn new skills and have fun while staying home and being safe.

Cupertino Virtual Institute

Phone: (425)-229-2672